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Image of marquee tents in a field at night

Reach the best event suppliers with a single request

Submit your event details and reach out to thousands of professional suppliers ready to help with your event.

How it Works

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1. Submit a request

Submit a request for as many services as you need and receive bespoke quotes from a range of trusted suppliers.
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2. Compare suppliers

Compare quotes, chat with suppliers, read reviews and view photos so you can be sure you've made the right choice.
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3. Hire the best!

When you find your perfect match, call or message your favourite suppliers to seal the deal for your dream event.
Get access to the UK's largest network of trusted event suppliers.
Get Quotes - it's free!

Why choose us for finding event services?

100% free! Only pay the suppliers you book

We take no commission when you submit your event request or when you book your suppliers.

We’re the largest marketplace of trusted suppliers

Receive quotes from experienced suppliers who can help provide the best services for your event.

Receive personalised quotes in a matter of hours

We won’t keep you waiting — interested suppliers will send you quotes offering their services.

Trusted by great global companies... well as 1,000,000+ individuals for events large and small
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Joining Add to Event is quick and easy

Every day, we connect thousands of event organisers with the perfect suppliers for their event. Which one are you?
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I'm planning an event

Are you planning an event? Submit your event details and get personalised quotes from trusted suppliers.

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I'm an event supplier

Do you provide event services? Grow your business with the UK's most trusted events marketplace.

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No hidden costs. Keep what you earn

Let us help plan your perfect event

Submit your event details and receive personalised quotes from a range of trusted suppliers.
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100% free. Only pay the suppliers you book
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Largest marketplace of trusted UK suppliers
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Personalised quotes in a matter of hours