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mobile whisky bar hire suppliers

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Kings Catering Group

Kings Catering Group

4.6 70 reviews

Need quality caterers ? Based in London, Sheffield and Luton, The Kings Catering Group offers high end food catering for weddings, parties, events, businesses, offices, location shoots, film and...

Cole Amusements

Cole Amusements

4.9 67 reviews

As a long-standing family business, the husband and wife team of several generations, we strive to provide some of the best catering solutions in this part of the country. We are fantastic...

VB Function Bar

VB Function Bar

5 60 reviews

Fully managed independent bar and hospitality service with professional and friendly staff and we take care of all the licensing requirements for your function. We pride ourselves on providing you...

Betsy's Bar
East Sussex

Betsy's Bar

4.9 48 reviews

Here at Betsy's Bar we take the stress out of providing a mobile bar service as we have no deposit, minimum spend or hire fee. From your glassware to the bar itself with ample staff at absolutley...

Cocktail Chemistry
West Sussex

Cocktail Chemistry

4.9 44 reviews

Indulge in delightful cocktails, innovative designs, delectable bites, and a touch of enchanting mist that will surely leave your guests or clients with joyful memories to cherish. Are you in...



5 38 reviews

Thyme2Dine has a reputation for exceptional food, creativity and presentation combined with outstanding service. We know that choosing the right caterer and the perfect menu for your special...

Rustic mobile bars
West Sussex

Rustic mobile bars

4.9 38 reviews

Family run, Fully staffed, stocked rustic horsebox bar or mobile bar. Can be a normal bar or can specialise in Gin or Prosecco bar you decide what drinks you desire. The horsebox started life as...

Cocktail Event Co

Cocktail Event Co

4.8 30 reviews

Welcome to Cocktail Events, Mobile Bar, BBQ Catering & Staffing. Making Memorable Experiences! We offer a variety of services that can help you plan the perfect event. We have over 10 years...


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Note: hire charges may apply, even if guests are paying for drinks themselves.
Sometimes a charge may be made for this. Make sure to ask the bar provider when booking.
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