Adele Tribute Act
Adele Tribute Act

Adele Tribute Act

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If you're after a stunning and captivating tribute act for your party, consider hiring an Adele tribute act.

With powerful vocals and soulful performances, an Adele tribute act can bring a touch of elegance and emotion to any event. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or just looking for some entertainment, an Adele tribute act is sure to impress your guests. So why not book now and let the talented artist transport you to the world of Adele with her iconic hits and ballads? Submit an enqruity for more information and bring the magic of Adele to your next event.

Adele Tribute Inspiration

Kat Price as Adele

Kat Price Vocalist

I perform a wide range of songs to suit most clients I also provide a show as a Tribute to Adele singing all of Adele’s well known hits and more.

tallulah rose as Adele Tribute

Tallulah Rose Jazz

Jazz/Postmodern/Contemporary Entertainer Singing a range of covers from Etta James, Tina Turner, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday to ABBA, Adele, The Carpenters and much more.

Jade donno sings Adele

Jade Donno

Jade’s voice has a wonderful depth to it that allows her to beautifully tell the stories within classic songs. Featuring classic jazz standards to modern day artists such as Adele.

joanna lee as Adele

Joanna Lee

To contrast with my cabaret show, I perform a disco set which consists of fabulous floor fillers from the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s. From Adele, Queen, Abba and the Beatles through to S Club 7, and Aretha Franklin.

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Adele Tribute Act

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