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Cotswold VW Weddings

Introducing our 1966 Splitscreen Campervan and 1968 Karmann Convertible Beetle to transport you and your bridal party to your wedding!
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About Cotswold VW Weddings

If you are interested in vintage Volkswagens or love anything retro and want a head turner of a wedding car, look no further!

Our chauffeur driven Campervan Bertie and our Convertible Betty the Beetle are all you need to transport you to your wedding.

Our campervan can comfortably seat up to 5 passengers with our unique wrap around seating, perfect for even a large puffball wedding dress. Our Beetle is a perfect accompliment for the bride and up to 2 other passengers. There is a discount for booking both vehicles.
We provide a hamper full of bit and bobs like tissues, mints, hairpins etc as well as providing glasses and a cool bag to store a bottle of fizz for after your ceremony.

We operate a 1 wedding vehicle per day policy so you can be assured we won’t be rushing off to another one!!

Bertie the campervan can also turn into a candy camper! Lots of your favourite vintage sweets in old fashioned jars served to your guests in stripe bags.

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