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Makes it Magic

Make this Week magical with David Weeks
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About Makes it Magic

David Weeks Makes it Magic! There are fifty-two weeks in every year - but only one David Weeks!

David Weeks treats each of you as special and important. Flexible and spontaneous, he ensures your enjoyment - without embarrassment! - as the magic happens before your eyes and in your hands!

David Weeks' magic brings people together in seconds, breaking the ice, raising a smile, creating a buzz, transforming get-togethers into celebrations!

Think of a day that you want to be a red-letter day and David Weeks will make it magic! Dinner-Parties are "Perkier", Birthdays "Brighter", Weddings "Wackier" and Christenings "Chirpier"!

Think of a month when you are planning an important event and David Weeks will make it magic! Banquets are "Beefier", Balls "Bouncier", Galas "Groovier", Fetes "Funkier" and Christmases "Cracklier"!

Think of a year you wish to remember and David Weeks will make it magic! Coming-of-Age-Parties are "Peppier", Farewells "Fancier" and Anniversaries "Altogether 'Appier"!

David Weeks always takes the time to make his magic fit your needs: a few minutes on the phone saves you hours of angst and guarantees that whatever the day, month, year, David Weeks will make it MAGIC!

Make this week magical with David Weeks

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