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QuintEvential Venues & Events

Your go to site, for wedding and event planning services, advice and top tips! Based in Kent.

Services we provide

About QuintEvential Venues & Events

The definition of quintessential is: “representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class”. This fits perfectly with my vision of how weddings, events and special occasions should be organised and experienced. In the most perfect example of quality.

About me...

My background is in Wedding, Event & Venue Management, with over 10 years experience in the industry, including a degree in Hospitality and Event Management. With experience from planning from enquiry, all the way through the journey to the event day, running a total of over 400 events across a variety of venues across Kent and Sussex. Of which I have gratefully received many sterling reviews and recommendations.

In addition to event organisation and operation, I also have many years of experience of running venues and creating the event presence and overall product. In short, introducing events to venues, ‘revamping’ the brand and expanding opportunities and offerings. This has given me a keen eye to detail, spotting great venues offering great opportunities from ideal venues for a couples special day to the perfect party palace!

About QuintEvential...

QuintEvential is an event service business that is flexible to each client’s needs, offering:

Wedding & Event Planning - offering Inclusive Packages from venue finding all the way through the planning process to the finish of the event. Tailored Packages to offer the service needed for the client for example, on the day management, supplier liaison, supplier sourcing, venue sourcing. Venue Finding Service - A free service researching venues and organising the best possible packages for your event. Event Consultation - Offering advise plans and putting effective resource packages in place for venues, b2b agents and private clients. Recommended Supplier & Venue Listings- Free of charge listings for quality venues and suppliers across the UK

For quintessential events status, look no further than QuintEvential!

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