We are the ‘Added Entertainment Factor’ you just don’t find in a push button booth & here’s why…
We like to create ‘Live Art’ with our Pop-up bespoke / tailored service in whatever theme you have in mind…
Picture a Pop-up Studio set-up with a Pro Photographer / Director armed with an arsenal of Pro gear ~
(it makes a difference!)
~ an authentic themed set complete with ingenious props (& costumes if required) from your chosen style or era, to help you & your guests get into character & role play (don’t worry we’ll direct you!) in order to create those cracking images
you will find utterly hilarious…!
~ trust us ~
we bring out the shy introverts & reek havoc with the life & souls of the party, in order to create unique digital works of art.. you just won’t find elsewhere!
so let us direct your next party Booth & lets see just what we can create together..
cos’ taking part is only half the fun!